Bathylaimus stenolaimus

By albert, 14 December, 2022
Bathylaimus stenolaimus, male overview 10x objective, Egmond aan Zee 24-4-2021
Bathylaimus stenolaimus, male overview 10x objective, Egmond aan Zee 24-4-2021
Bathylaimus stenolaimus, male tail end 40x objective, Egmond aan Zee 24-4-2021
Bathylaimus stenolaimus, male tail end 40x objective, Egmond aan Zee 24-4-2021
Bathylaimus stenolaimus, male head with amphid 100x objective, Egmond aan Zee 24-4-2021
Bathylaimus stenolaimus, male head with amphid 100x objective, Egmond aan Zee 24-4-2021

For more images, videos and measurements see the documented specimen links at the bottom of this page.


Species map

Documented specimen Age Gender
Egmond aan Zee 24-04-2021, slide 19 nr 6 Adult Male