Lorenzen, S. (1971). Die Nematodenfauna im Verklappungsgebiet für Industrieabwasser nordwestlich von Helgoland: II. Desmodorida und Chromadorida. Zool. Anz. 187 (5/6): 283-302.
Muthumbi, A. W.; Vincx, M. (1998). Chromadoridae (Chromadorida: Nematoda) from the Indian Ocean: Description of new and known species. Hydrobiologia. 364: 119-153.
Muthumbi and Vincx 1998 transfer Prochromadorella longicaudata to Trichromadora longicaudata except P. longicaudata as described by Lorenzen 1971 and state that this should remain in Prochromadorella under a new name.